Attendance, Scheduling, TimeClock   ·  

Emerging Technologies and Employees: 5 Steps to a Meaningful Relationship

Technology advances in the workplace are not always love at first sight. If you’re dealing with employees resisting the latest technology, don’t despair.

Before computers, we relied on typewriters. Before smartphones, we used flip phones. Before email, we sent snail mail. And before cloud-based services like TrackSmart, we used sticky notes, desktop calendars and spreadsheets.

Time flies, as does the rate of change with emerging technologies. In this day and age, adapting to technology advances is the key to getting more done, faster. But what if you’re sharing a brand-new tool or system with less-than-eager employees? How do you get them onboard with a new process, such as the self-service features with cloud applications like TrackSmart?

If you’re dealing with certain employees resisting the latest technology, don’t despair. With the right approach, you’ll have everyone welcoming a new process — like the self-service features with TrackSmart — with open arms.

In many ways, taking on the latest technology in the workplace is like starting a new relationship. Here are the similarities – and how you can help build a robust TrackSmart partnership:

  1. Make the proper introductions. Every relationship starts with a “hello” and interesting conversation. Very rarely do two people hit it off without someone taking the initiative and establishing a connection. As a manager or business owner, you need to champion the new technology and express your commitment to it. Successful change literally starts with you. In the early stages, share some key details about the tool and why it will benefit the business. Once employees have their curiosity piqued, they’ll be more open to what’s next. Which brings us to the second point …
  2. Offer training to build rapport. After the initial introductions, there’s the “getting to know you” phase of a relationship, with questions and answers and seemingly endless conversations. In the workplace, this equates to onsite training of the latest technology. You have a responsibility to educate employees on technology advances and get them comfortable using the applicable tools. Training for TrackSmart, for example, should guide employees through the various self-service features with the TrackSmart website or mobile app, including:

    As with any type of workplace training, explain why you’re adopting the new technology, then drive home the real-life applications and benefits. Only when they’re convinced that cloud technology will make their work lives easier will employees fully embrace it.

  3. Make a commitment. There comes a time in a new relationship when you’re no longer just friends or partners – you’re ready to take it to the next level. When the time is right, shift from trying out the latest technology to making it a regular, fully assimilated part of your office process. An initial transition period is OK, but then you need to institutionalize the technology and require employees to use it on a daily basis.
  4. Open the lines of communicationEven the best relationships suffer when communication is off. If you’re sensing some pushback from employees about the new technology, hear them out and address their concerns. After listening to them, however, it’s important to stick to your position. Most people don’t like change, but change we must. For any workers who continually resist the technology, correct the behavior as quickly as possible. Stress that the new technology is here to stay and that you want everyone to make the most of it.
  5. Keep it exciting. In addition to open and effective communication, we’re all looking for a little fun in our relationships. Why should the workplace be any different? When you’re adopting something new, make a big deal of it! Go the extra mile to generate some buzz around it and engage your staff. Put up posters or banners; hand out “how-to” flyers, and share the latest updates via email or your company’s intranet. You might even consider holding a competition for the team or department that turns over its time-off process the quickest (or has the highest participation), with some sort of recognition or perks (free lunch, gift cards, etc.) for the winners.
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