TrackSmart Helps Those Who Help Others:
Spotlight on NBACL

Meet Alecia Thomas:
Alecia Thomas, Director of Human Resources at the New Brunswick Association for Community Living (NBACL). Alecia has an administration background and started in recruitment and marketing for a university in Nova Scotia. She worked with the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games before transitioning to HR administration and employee relations with the Crown Corporation in British Columbia. She’s worked at NBACL for almost two years.
Quick Facts:
- NBACL has more than 50 employees throughout seven offices in New Brunswick, Canada
- The organization supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families to help them actively participate in society
- The company is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year
The Challenge:
NBACL managed attendance using handwritten schedules and Excel spreadsheets, which made it difficult to keep track of important employee data.
"It wasn't a cohesive system that was easy to manage," says Alecia.
The Solution:
Alecia uses TrackSmart to manage the staff and oversee employee time-off requests, as well as monitor training by using custom event codes within the app. She also runs daily reports using TrackSmart when preparing offer letters to calculate how much vacation time new employees will earn.
"It's a clear and easy way for managers to run reports and keep track of employee hours," says Alecia.
Alecia says the greatest advantage of TrackSmart is having clear communication between managers and employees. They can view their hours and time-off requests from any computer or smartphone.
The convenience of online software has prevented conflicting employee schedules and eased the burden of tracking attendance.
“TrackSmart provides a central place for employees and supervisors to access attendance information.
This leads to less confusion.”
- Alecia Thomas, Director of Human Resources at NBACL