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6 Tips on How to Get Organized & Stay Organized at Work

Simple, but powerful tips on how to get organized and stay organized at the workplace.

The new year is here and you’re all revved up to fulfill your resolutions. With only the best of intentions, you swore this would be the year you get your work life organized.

To help you make it happen, here’s some advice for using TrackSmart to stay on task, become more organized and keep your eyes on the prize.

  1. Walk Before You Run. Enthusiasm can be a great motivator. You get all caught up in the heat of the moment and decide to take on the world. But maybe, fueled by a latte, you try to reinvent the wheel and the road it rolls on. Trying to accomplish too much can lead to accomplishing zero.For better results, go with organizational baby steps. Like building a house, good organization at work requires a solid foundation. Start by checking that all your important dates, absence codes and any other critical information are in your TrackSmart calendar.
  2. Pace Yourself. Next, make sure all your employees are set up with the right permissions. This way you can shift some of the burden of the day-to-day details off your shoulders. When your employees can get information and make requests on their own, it means less for you to worry about.
  3. Find Your Groove. Your TrackSmart software gives you lots of tools. Getting in the habit of using them will go a long way toward getting and staying organized at work.Start at the beginning: new hires. Make adding a new employee to TrackSmart one of the steps in your onboarding process before a new employee starts. Giving a new hire proper permissions and Employee Self-Service access will save you hassle from the moment your shiny new hire starts
  4. Stay in Your Groove. Add checking time-off requests and time sheet submissions to your daily routine. Keeping the calendar current means everybody stays up to date. It also makes planning easier when you have an accurate view of the calendar to stay organized at work.Try making a weekly ritual of entering employee absences and company events to the calendar. Monday? Thursday? The day doesn’t matter as much as being consistent, so you don’t forget about them or get backed up.
  5. Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off. Embrace your inner “oops.” Remember that the best intentions for your new organizational regimen may not play out at first. That’s okay. In fact, it’s probably expected. Roll with it and know it’s all a work in progress.The good news is that the foundation you’ve been laying is solid. Getting all your people up and running on TrackSmart will help you through small setbacks in your new organization plan. Plus, even if you lose a little momentum, all the time sheets, requests, absence codes, etc., leave a trail of breadcrumbs back to the better, more organized version of you that you’re building.
  6. Keep Going. Continue using all your TrackSmart resources and eventually you’ll reach your goal of staying organized at work. Then you’ll have more time to choose your next New Year’s resolution. Good luck and happy tracking!
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